Supporting behaviour support: Developing a model for leading and managing a unit for teenagers excluded from mainstream school

Solomon, Mike and Thomas, Gaby (2013) Supporting behaviour support: Developing a model for leading and managing a unit for teenagers excluded from mainstream school. Journal of Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 18 (1). pp. 44-59. ISSN 1363-2752 (Print) ; 1741-2692 (Online)

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In the UK, mainstream schools can decide to exclude students because of their behaviour. Students are then placed in pupil referral units (PRUs, sometimes known as short-stay schools) until their needs can be more thoroughly assessed so that they can then be placed appropriately. This article outlines the development of one particular approach to leading and managing a PRU for students aged 11–14. Beginning with the idea that staff and students all have a range of needs to be met, the approach draws on psychoanalytic ideas of containment, holding and attachment, as well as recent neuro-developmental research, to demonstrate how students' needs can be best met through meeting the professional needs of staff. A range of interventions and areas of practice are then described to illustrate how containment, management and support are operationalised in day-to-day practice. Specific areas of impact of these interventions for students and their families are then highlighted.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Published online: 29 May 2012
Subjects: Disabilities & Disorders (mental & physical) > Behaviour Disorders
Learning & Education > Special Needs Education
Department/People: Children, Young Adult and Family Services

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