Postgrad Med J 90:565-570 doi:10.1136/postgradmedj-2013-132165
  • Original article

Fostering professionalism among doctors: the role of workplace discussion groups

Table 2

Summary of data

Data source Sample Data collected Code for data source used in the results section
Preparticipation questionnaires All participants who initially joined groups (n=56) 43 completed questionnaires Q1
Postparticipation questionnaire All participants who remained participants for 6 months (n=47) 24 completed questionnaires Q2
Interviews with participants at the end of 6 months Sampling frame used to generate eight potential interviewees eight interviews IP1 A-H
Interviews with those who withdrew from the groups Sampling frame used to generate four potential interviewees two interviews IWA and IWB
Follow-up interviews 6 months postparticipation Purposive sample of all initial interviewees to generate four potential interviewees four interviews IP2 A, B, E and F
Interviews with facilitators at the end of 6 months All group facilitators (n=5) five interviews IF A-E
Interviews with DMEs at the end of the pilot All DMEs (or acting representatives) at participating hospitals (n=5) five interviews IDME A-E
Observations of groups Sampling of three of the five groups three observations O 1–3
Reflective accounts by facilitators following meetings All group facilitators 22 submitted R 1–22
  • DMEs, directors of medical education.

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