Deconstructing gender in trans-gender identities

Hakeem, Az (2010) Deconstructing gender in trans-gender identities. Group Analysis, 43 (2). pp. 141-154. ISSN 0533-3164

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In this theoretically informed clinical study the author draws upon the psychoanalytic and group therapeutic literature in addition to the works of Judith Butler and his own clinical group analytic work with trans-gender in order to discuss the author’s hypothesis that binary gender rigidity stands at the core of trans-gender states. The author suggests that the analytic task is to deconstruct gender and trans-gender constructions in working with these patients. In addition to working towards greater analytic understanding such an endeavour may also be considered as a social, political and cultural exercise in working towards shifts in our societal foundation matrix. Small group psychotherapy is used as a medium for these observations and as the basis for this study.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Sex Psychology > Gender Identity
Department/People: Adult and Forensic Services

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