Using systemic principles in the design of mental health and wellbeing services for looked after children and young people – Bringing together research, theory and practice

Lobatto, Wendy (2021) Using systemic principles in the design of mental health and wellbeing services for looked after children and young people – Bringing together research, theory and practice. Journal of Family Therapy . ISSN 0163-4445 (Print); 1467-6427 (Electronic) (Submitted)

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I intend to enquire into the complex needs of looked after children and how services can meet these needs. I consider recent research and the evidence base for mental health and wellbeing interventions. I examine Tarren-Sweeney's (2014) proposed best practice principles for service design, which are a good fit with a systemic perspective. I then look at how systemic principles can work alongside these recommendations, describing a looked after children's emotional wellbeing and mental health service working with the entire looked after population in one inner-city local authority in England. This work is about supporting adult networks who care for children rather than direct work with children themselves. I show how this service fits within the domain of production, and speaks to the domains of explanation and aesthetics, in which we address social constructionist positioning and the activities of meaning-making, as well as the intentions, hopes and ethics of the work.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Appreciation, Design of Mental Health Services, Domains of Production, Explanation and Aesthetics, Latent Vulnerability, Looked After Children and Young People, Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing, Neurodevelopmental Research, Results, Systemic Principles, Systemic Service Design, Therapeutic Change
Subjects: Children, Young People and Developmental Pyschology > Child Care
Disabilities & Disorders (mental & physical) > Mental Health - Social Welfare
Health and Medical Sciences > Patient Care
Department/People: Children, Young Adult and Family Services

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