The location dislocation and relocation (LDR) framework: It's all in the be-coming

Draper, Ana and Marcellino, Elisa (2023) The location dislocation and relocation (LDR) framework: It's all in the be-coming. Context (188). pp. 26-29. ISSN 0969-1936

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At the end of February 2022 every media sadly announced Russia's military invasion of Ukraine. Suddenly, thousands of people had to leave their home country to seek safety in Europe. As clinicians and human beings we felt a deep sense of helplessness in hearing and seeing these stories of dislocation - stories that can be felt as out of time, where the past and the future do not exist in the process of being replaced by the act of war. The war itself becomes a negation of time, where the past rapidly becomes remote, unreachable and alien. The future, on the other hand, loses its purpose and it becomes dislocated in time and space, on an unknown island. However, it is the perception of time, either as a sequence or process, that gives us a clear notion of who we are and what our story is. Whenever this is perceived as lost, we are at risk of becoming dislocated from ourselves.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Location, Dislocation, Relocation (LDR); Multiple Traumas; Refugees
Subjects: Health and Medical Sciences > Patient Care
Human Psychological Processes > Strange Environment/Situation
Human Psychological Processes > Stress
Department/People: Children, Young Adult and Family Services

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