Compassionate Leadership: an antidote to tyranny

Blumenthal, Stephen and Lee, Deborah (2023) Compassionate Leadership: an antidote to tyranny. The Psychologist . ISSN 0952-8229

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The resignation of Dominic Raab following the inquiry led by Adam Tolley KC provides a helpful focus on the culture of leadership in politics and in our wider society. Dominance hierarchies are as old as time itself, but we are evolved beyond our crustacean forebearers. Dominance is not an inevitability: there are more evolved ways to lead social groups that enhance productivity and mental wellbeing. The way power is exercised is complex. It can be rooted in threat, focused on getting the task done, with little regard for the experience of those lower in the pecking order. On the other hand, it can be underpinned by compassion, where the motivation is affiliative, collegiate, promotes social safeness, leading to greater productively and mental wellbeing. What is the right formula for leadership, and what gets the job done?

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Management & Economics > Leadership - Personnel Management
Management & Economics > Leadership - Social Behaviour
Department/People: Adult and Forensic Services

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