Inside sculpture, anthropology and psychoanalysis: A conversation

Brody, Hugh, Gormley, Anthony and Edwards, Judith (2019) Inside sculpture, anthropology and psychoanalysis: A conversation. In: Psychoanalysis and other matters: Where are we now? Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 92-106. ISBN 9781138494640

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This chapter looks at how intensive interviewing and observing can affect ‘Ways of Seeing’, using sculpture, film-making and psychoanalysis to create a three-way conversation. This conversation first took place at the Tavistock Clinic in November 2016 after a showing of the film, Inside Australia, chaired by Irma Pick, Distinguished Fellow of the British Psychoanalytic Society and a child and adult psychoanalyst. ‘Why do Human Beings Make Art?’ was the question then and the conversation continues here. Antony Gormley’s sculptures located in the middle of Australia, on a dry lake, filmed also with interviews with the protagonists by the anthropologist Hugh Brody, form the bedrock of the conversation: time and place are registered in human memory, which is as significant as the geological conditions. The human population that lives on this land also has deep memory. The revelation of their dream time divination or projection onto this, to us, relatively barren, landscape turned it into something very different from a ‘blank canvas’ but rich with a myriad of magical and numinous events, which lie at the heart of this continuing conversation.

Item Type: Book Section
Subjects: Cognitive Processes, Theory of Mind > Arts - Applied Psychology
Cognitive Processes, Theory of Mind > Creativity
Psychological Therapies, Psychiatry, Counselling > Psychoanalysis
Department/People: Visiting Lecturer

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