Providing support following exposure to suicide: A mixed method study

McKay, Kathy, Maple, Myfanwy, Hess, Nicole C. L., Wayland, Sarah and Pearce, Tania (2019) Providing support following exposure to suicide: A mixed method study. Health and Social Care in the Community . ISSN 1365-2524

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Exposure to suicide and the associated impacts for those left behind can be long lasting and traumatic. Literature has predominantly examined the experience of suicide and impact from the perspective of those closest to the deceased—with studies primarily focused on kin relationships. Appropriate and timely support delivered by skilled professionals, through the provision of postvention support, has been suggested as a way to reduce morbidity and mortality associated with exposure to suicide. The evidence regarding what support, for whom, and the timing of support is scarce. As an extension of this scarcity, there is minimal research examining the ways in which provision of this postvention (that is, support following exposure to suicide) support impacts workers. This paper explores service use data gathered to evaluate a nation‐wide Australian suicide postvention service, in conjunction with qualitative data from those providing postvention support to those exposed to suicide to understand who accesses support and the impact of providing such support on service providers. Postvention workers provide insight into the demands of responding to suicide, the pressure of being on call, and the ways in which they are able to maintain their well‐being through external supervision.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Publication History: Accepted: Dec 3, 2018; First Submitted: Jun 18, 2018
Uncontrolled Keywords: Postvention, Suicide, Suicide Exposure, Worker Experience, Research & Development Unit
Subjects: Disabilities & Disorders (mental & physical) > Suicide
Department/People: Children, Young Adult and Family Services

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